Monday, December 3, 2012

10 Weekly Goals - Week 1

I've been a fan of Money Saving Mom for quite some time and often find myself wishing I was half as organized as she was. I know I can't see behind the scenes to see it's not nearly as organized as I envision, but I commend her for her ability to set goals and achieve them so easily it seems.

I've followed her series about setting 10 weekly goals since she started it and each time I read her goals for the upcoming weeks as well as what she managed to cross off her list from the weeks prior, I feel like a lazy bum. Most days, I do good to get my daughter out the door to school and dinner on the table. Not because I don't have time, obviously I do or I wouldn't frequent Facebook and Pinterest as much as I do. I just lack the motivation to develop structure in my life and instead choose to sit back silently each week thinking to myself "I need to do that!".

I found myself sitting here once again, thinking those same old thoughts after reading her most recent list of goals. Normally, I do this and then get sidetracked somewhere else and soon forget. This time though, I forced myself to grab a notebook and a pen and make my own list of 10 weekly goals. Even if I don't end up sticking with this every single week, I can at least say I finally gave it a shot and stop daydreaming about it.

Here are the goals I sat for myself for the week.

1. Plan 2 week menu
2. Try 1 new recipe with Audrey
3. Read to Micah each night

4. Choose a book to start reading
5. Drink at least 1 glass of water each day

6. Start the Flylady program (my house is screaming for this!)
7. Create a recipe binder for the kitchen

8. Write and schedule 4 blog posts
9. Write 1 article for AMS (my freelance work)
10. Create 1 lens for Squidoo (I'm addicted to this site!)

I'm starting small with many of these and hoping to build and expand on them if I can keep this up for longer than a week or two. I'll update at the end of the week with what I managed to achieve as well as what my new set of goals for the week will be. Wish me luck!

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