Monday, December 10, 2012

10 Weekly Goals - Week 2

Well, I made it through my first week of setting goals and while initially I was a bit disappointed in myself, I realize this is a work in progress.

Here is how last week s goals worked out.

1. Plan 2 week menu
2. Try 1 new recipe with Audrey (We didn't try a new recipe, but she did help me prepare spaghetti and meatballs for dinner one night.)
3. Read to Micah each night (Only managed to read to him one night, but it is a start.)

4. Choose a book to start reading
5. Drink at least 1 glass of water each day (Drank one glass and realized how much I hate plain water. Ick!)

6. Start the Flylady program (my house is screaming for this!) (Started but didn't do a good job of following each day.)
7. Create a recipe binder for the kitchen

8. Write and schedule 4 blog posts (Only got 2.)
9. Write 1 article for AMS (my freelance work) (Client had no work for me to do last week.)
10. Create 1 lens for Squidoo (I'm addicted to this site!) (Created 2!)

Instead of dwelling on all the things on my list I didn't get done, I'm just glad I managed to at least cross a few things off. It's a fresh week and here are a fresh set of goals.

1. Make some kind of treat for my family
2. Read to Micah each night
3. Hang Audrey's posters in her room for her

4. Start a new book
5. Start going to bed early every night

6. Continue trying to follow the Flylady program
7. Start recipe binder for kitchen

8. Write and schedule 2 blog posts
9. Write 1 article for AMS
10. Create 1 lens for Squidoo

Wish me luck, everyone!

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