Friday, November 30, 2012

Noisy Neighbors and Babies Just Don't Mix

We recently moved from a 2 bedroom home to a more spacious 3 bedroom with an extra full bath. Our 2 bedroom was just too cramped with the overload of baby stuff we acquired after Micah was born. Even though he's never slept a night without being right on me to do so, having that extra bedroom is still very helpful as a place to store all of his things. The extra bathroom was a perk and has proven to be invaluable with a pre-teen in the home who insists on taking 2 hours to shower every night.

Our move wasn't a big one. Our landlord owns nearly every home on the street we live on, so when a 3 bedroom became available we took it and moved 3 houses down from where we lived before. I guess the positive to this was that we didn't have to pay for a moving truck this time, we just packed it through the yard piece by piece over 3 days time. Well, I didn't pack much of anything but a crying, sleepy baby around but you get the point.

In our 2 bedroom, the houses on either side of us had both been empty for some time, so we had grown rather used to it being quiet. In our 3 bedroom, we have noisy neighbors on both sides and I still haven't been able to get used to it.

On an almost daily basis, just when I've reached my breaking point and feel I may fall over from exhaustion, little Micah will finally decide to nap for an hour or so. If there is one thing we have learned quickly around here, it is to not make much noise when he is asleep or else it is all over with. He is a super light sleeper. Sneezing in the next room can often end a nap far too early and make for an evening of inconsolable crying.

Also, on an almost daily basis, one of our neighbors decides that just when my cranky baby is finally napping it is time to start hammering or doing something else around their house that makes a lot of noise. Of course, with this comes an almost daily occurrence of my little guy waking up from all the sounds and crying for hours because he didn't get to finish his nap out. Thanks, neighbors! I'll be sure to leave a gift for Christmas by your front door. Preferably some thumb tacks so you can stop hammering so many nails into the walls over there. Just how many pictures do you have to hang anyway?

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